result count: 8

SC_116380_0What can we do about the puppets at [ZONE_TUCOOK_MOUNTAIN_PASS|Tukork Pass]?
SC_116380_1Those puppets are still people of [115631|Limon]. Until we find some way to let them return to their eternal rest, we must keep soldiers stationed there. We must prevent the puppets from being used by our enemies, and we must also make sure the puppets do not harm any innocent travelers that pass by.
SC_116380_2But those soldiers will attack me...
SC_116380_3Please forgive them, they are unable to distinguish friend from foe. If you must travel there, please give the hot springs a wide berth.
Sys116380_nameJasmin "Firefly" Angerfang
Sys116380_name_pluralJasmin "Firefly" Angerfang
Sys116380_szquestnpctextAs I have often said in the past, some problems in life simply must be faced. For me personally, I must face the fact of my father's death...\n\nDon't worry about me, I'll pull myself together in a moment, and then we can eradicate those corrupt factions of our race.\n\nOnce [115631|Limon] is ready again, I'll bring the full power of our people to the aid of the human king.
Sys116380_titlenameLady of Limon