result count: 6

SC_116439_0Naturally, the reason [ZONE_EARTH_SPRING_VILLAGE|Earthsprings Village] has its name is because of all of the springs in the village. The largest of those is the Spring of Narfas, which was brought to us by Narfas, the Divine Envoy of the Divinity of Spring Water.
SC_116439_00Inquire about the origins of [ZONE_EARTH_SPRING_VILLAGE|Earthsprings Village].
SC_116439_01Inquire about the altars near the springs.
SC_116439_1Those are the temples of the Divinity of Spring Water. If not for the grace of the Divinity of Spring Water, how could we ever survive in this dry inhospitable desert?
Sys116439_nameYimmy Fungen
Sys116439_szquestnpctextYet another traveler lost in the middle of the desert?\n\nWelcome to the largest oasis village in the desert. You'll be happy to know that you won't have to worry about a water source here. However, it seems that in recent years the amount of water that comes gushing out of the ground has decreased steadily...\n\nEveryone in the village is extremely concerned.