result count: 8

SC_116445_1(Inquire about drinking water)
SC_116445_2First come stand over here, then I will tell you. I don't want you to end up like the last one, a youth from I-don't-know-where, who jumped right in with a "kerplop!"\n\nMost of the springs here are hot springs, and either they are home to Hot Spring Turtles or those stupid Yasheedees jump in and ruin them. None of those are suitable for drinking.\n\nSo, a clean spring is a precious commodity. We can't permit you to soil what we have so few of!
SC_116445_4If you wish to see a hot spring, continue to the West. You can't miss it.\n\nYou will also notice many hunters in the area. They like to complain about attacks from the [<S>116402|Yasheedees], but for the most part it's all smoke and no fire. We've rarely seen any real damage done.\n\nIf you're interested, go and take a look.
SC_116445_5Get out of there! This is our drinking water!
SC_116445_6Why is it that no one listens anymore! Get out of there!
Sys116445_nameSheeda Kuchy
Sys116445_name_pluralSheeda Kuchy
Sys116445_szquestnpctextBe careful! That water is for drinking!