result count: 8

SC_116449_1What are you doing here?
SC_116449_2I keep an eye on the situation in the surrounding area, and update the hunters with special signals. Otherwise our hunter friends in the desert would be gobbled up by the [<S>116402|Yasheedees]!
SC_116449_3What did you run up here for? Aren't you tall enough to see that the [<S>116402|Yasheedees] are already upon us? Get out there and help!
SC_116449_4The [<S>116402|Yasheedees] nearby are fairly docile.
SC_116449_5The [<S>104485|Hardskin Yasheedees] are here! Get out there and help!
Sys116449_nameLakakeh Manetooth
Sys116449_name_pluralLakakeh Manetooth
Sys116449_szquestnpctext(He is surveying the land around the camp with great concentration)\n\nWhaa! You frightened me!\n\nWhat are you doing sneaking around like that?