result count: 8

SC_116461_2(Looking scared for a moment)\n\nOh, please! That's no fun!
SC_116461_3(Inquire about what's happening near the pool.)
SC_116461_4Oh! I'm cooking some food!\n\nHa ha! Don't tell me you don't know that the spring water is boiling hot. If you jump in you'll be scalded all over.\n\nThe advantage of this camp is that you never have to light a fire. Just put your food in the water and it'll be cooked in no time. It'll cook you in no time too!\n\nHa ha! I'm just joking. I owed you one, right? Now we're even.
SC_116461_5Quiet, or those [<S>116402|Yasheedees] will hear us! Those fanatics aren't afraid of anything, not even the hot springs.
Sys116461_nameLaif Ironclaw
Sys116461_name_pluralLaif Ironclaw
Sys116461_szquestnpctext(He doesn't notice that you are speaking to him)