result count: 14

SC_116466_00You activate this unknown rune energy.
SC_116466_01You fiercely kick the stone tablet.
SC_116466_02Instantly! Numerous unknown runes appear on top of the stone tablet... Hold on ... Suddenly you can decipher what they are telling you: "Brave adventurers! You are worthy! Take on the challenge of a more difficult instance and find even more treasure!"
SC_116466_03You keep reading...
SC_116466_04You don't understand and fiercely kick the stone tablet!!
SC_116466_05"Brave adventurers! Select your instance difficulty level!"
SC_116466_06Bronze Difficulty Level
SC_116466_07Silver Difficulty Level
SC_116466_08Gold Difficulty Level
SC_116466_09Platinum Difficulty Level
SC_116466_10Diamond Difficulty Level
Sys116466_nameUnknown Engraving
Sys116466_name_pluralUnknown Engravings
Sys116466_szquestnpctextYou carefully decipher the writing on this stone tablet... it seems that some kind of rune energy is present in this area...