result count: 3

Sys116499_szquestnpctextPor fin habéis llegado, caballero.\n\nAntes de vuestra llegada, ya estaba en contacto con [115060|Morrok Wallinder] a través de [116585|Ike]. Lo que no creía era que pudiesen capturar a [116585|Ike] durante mis negociaciones con [115060|Morrok Wallinder].\n\nAhora no solo tenemos que rescatar a [115596|Iswan] sino también a [116585|Ike].Knight, you have finally arrived.\n\nBefore you came, I was already in touch with [115060|Morrok Wallinder] via [116585|Ike]. But I never thought that while I was negotiating alone with [115060|Morrok Wallinder], [116585|Ike] would be captured.\n\nNow we must not only rescue [115596|Iswan], but must save [116585|Ike] as well.