result count: 3

Sys116553_nameParz DuncanParz Duncan
Sys116553_name_pluralParz DuncanParz Duncan
Sys116553_szquestnpctextCuando empiece la próxima función del circo, voy a invitar a [116554|Myan Sidat] a venir conmigo. A veces no consigo entenderla. Su vida es muy triste pero, cuando la invito a una función, se niega por algún motivo.\n\nY no es culpa mía. Nadie de la aldea ha conseguido llevar a [116554|Myan Sidat] al circo.Next time the circus starts a performance, I am going to try inviting [116554|Myan Sidat] to go with me. Sometimes I just don't understand him. His life is clearly very depressing. When I invite him to a performance, he somehow refuses?\n\nNo, no. That is not my problem. No matter who in the village asks [116554|Myan Sidat], no one has succeeded in taking him to the circus.