result count: 7

SC_116594_1What are those things without eyes?
SC_116594_2Those are [<S>116402|Yasheedees]! Did you walk all the way here without running into them?\n\nThe [<S>116402|Yasheedees] around here are more aggressive than those in other areas. Perhaps it's because they have lived near the hot springs for so long that their skin has thickened and hardened to endure the heat. But if they fall into [116731|Guirota Hot Spring], they'll boil to death just like anything else does.
SC_116594_3(Inquire about [116731|Guirota Hot Spring])
SC_116594_4[116731|Guirota Hot Spring] is a hot spring close to this camp, the hottest of all the hot springs.\n\nDon't take my words lightly. Jump into that one and it'll scald the skin right off of you!
Sys116594_nameKasheer Saran
Sys116594_name_pluralKasheer Saran
Sys116594_szquestnpctextHey, watch your step! They may not have eyes, but their ears are plenty sharp!