result count: 3

Sys116608_nameSlyker PelolargoSlyker Longfur
Sys116608_szquestnpctextEsos [<S>104262|Caminantes Rh'anka] de ahí fuera a veces atacan a los mercaderes o viajeros que pasan. No se diferencian de los [<S>116219|Ojo Vago] de antes. \n\nAfortunadamente, este pueblo es grande y tiene un número considerable de habitantes. Además, hay muchos mercenarios que protegen la aldea de forma voluntaria. De lo contrario, no habríamos podido escapar de los ataques.Those [<S>104262|Rh'anka Wanderers] outside sometimes attack passing merchants or travelers. They're no different from the [<S>116219|Rotteneyes] from before.\n\nIt's fortunate that this village is rather large and has a sizeable number of inhabitants. There're also many mercenaries who protect the village out of their own free will -- the village couldn't have escaped being raided otherwise.