result count: 7

SC_116622_0Preguntad acerca de [116216|Drake Colmillorrabioso], General de [115631|Limon].Inquire about [116216|Drake Angerfang], General of [115631|Limon]
SC_116622_00Seguir escuchando.Continue listening
SC_116622_1¿No habéis oído hablar del General de [115631|Limon]? ¡Es descendiente del gran héroe [116338|Kawak Colmillorrabioso]!\n\n(Os mira con asombro).\n\nYa que no sois de aquí, os contaré un poco de la gloriosa historia del pueblo de [115600|Limon]. Hemos vivido en este desierto desde tiempos inmemoriales, aunque durante mucho tiempo no fuimos una nación unificada, sino un grupo de tribus dispersas.You don't know about the General of [115631|Limon]? He's a descendant of the great hero [116338|Kawak Angerfang]!\n\n(She looks at you in astonishment)\n\nSince you're not from here, I'll explain a little of the glorious history of the [115600|Limon] people. We have lived in this desert since ancient times, though for a long time we were not a unified nation, just a bunch of scattered tribes.
SC_116622_2Durante El Gran Destierro, [116338|Kawak Colmillorrabioso], de la tribu Dientes de Hierro , logró reunir las tribus dispersas y nos condujo junto al rey de los humanos [114396|Thanteos Kalume] en su lucha contra los Demonios. Al final, sacrificó su vida para asegurar la victoria. Fueron sus antepasados los que formaron el [ZONE_LYMUN_KINGDOM|Reino de Limon] tal y como lo conocemos en la actualidad.\n\nTras la muerte de [116216|Drake Colmillorrabioso], el anterior General de [115631|Limon], [116220|Skarbar Zarpafilada] tomó el mando. Esto afianzó el poder del clan [116221|Zarpafilada] y la vida se complicó bastante para el resto de nosotros.During the time of the Great Banishment, [116338|Kawak Angerfang] of the Iron Teeth clan brought the scattered clans together, and lead us to assist the human king [114396|Thanteos Kalume] to resist the Demons. In the end he sacrificed his life to secure victory. His ancestors formed the [ZONE_LYMUN_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Limon] as we know it today.\n\nAfter the death of [116216|Drake Angerfang], the previous General of [115631|Limon], [116220|Skarbar Sharpclaw] took up the office. This helped consolidate the power of the [116221|Sharpclaw] clan, and life became increasingly difficult for the rest of us.
Sys116622_nameMiela PelorizoMiela Curlfur
Sys116622_name_pluralMiela PelorizoMiela Curlfur
Sys116622_szquestnpctextEl tiempo de prosperidad del [ZONE_LYMUN_KINGDOM|Reino de Limon] ha llegado a su fin con el fallecimiento de [116216|Drake Colmillorrabioso]... ay...The time of prosperity for the [ZONE_LYMUN_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Limon] reached an end with the passing of [116216|Drake Angerfang]... sigh...