result count: 3

Sys116679_nameBhatt ColmillorrojoBhatt Redfang
Sys116679_name_pluralBhatt ColmillorrojoBhatt Redfang
Sys116679_szquestnpctext¡Maldita sea!\n\n¿Qué estarán haciendo esos soldados Dientes de Hierro? ¿Comer y luego dormir la siesta? ¿Es que no han visto que los [<S>116402|Yasheedees] han atacado a civiles inocentes?\n\n¡No hay ni rastro de ellos!These cat-spawn!\n\nWhat are those Iron Teeth soldiers doing? Eating their fill then sleeping it off? Didn't they see that innocent civilians were attacked by [<S>116402|Yasheedees]?\n\nNo sign of them coming to help at all!