result count: 2

Sys116756_nameManson SheesoManson Sheeso
Sys116756_szquestnpctextMi hermano [116592|Otto Sheeso] y yo hemos viajado por todos los confines de este mundo desde que éramos jóvenes.\nLo que nos diferencia es que él es bueno en la batalla y yo, no.\nAsí que él es un mercenario, mientras que yo me centro en mi trabajo arqueológico.\n\nHe oído rumores de que la Hermandad de Ailic le ha contratado para lidiar con un monstruo que posee poderes regenerativos casi ilimitados. Siento gran interés por ver cómo se las va a apañar.My brother, [116592|Otto Sheeso], and I have been traveling the four corners of this world since we were young.\nThe difference between us is that he's good in a fight, and I'm not.\nSo he's a mercenary, while I focus on my archaeological work.\n\nI've heard that recently he was hired by Ailic's Community to deal with a monster with almost unlimited regenerative powers. I'm really interested to see how he's going to deal with this one.