result count: 6

SC_116818_1(Ask about these spiders)
SC_116818_2You want to find those spiders? If you head west of here, you should find a lot near the Black Swamp Lake.\r\n\r\nEven if you have escaped with your life from all sorts of dangerous places, you should still be careful with those guys. Let me tell you... They seem to understand language...\r\n\r\nAck... I think I've said too much. It could be that if you look carefully for what is behind these spiders you might find some sort of evil organization... Ha... Just joking.
Sys116818_nameGian Cashman
Sys116818_name_pluralGian Cashman
Sys116818_szquestnpctextAlthough in the past there have been cases where spiders have gathered in groups, we've never seen them behave like ants, not only organized but also acting with purpose.\r\n\r\nHuh? I've seen many intelligent spiders, but ones both organized and intelligent like this are rare.