result count: 10

SC_116825_1(Ask about the ruins)
SC_116825_2What? Are you sure you are interested in those ruins?\r\n\r\nThen I really can't tell you now!
SC_116825_3Don't ask any more. The right to study ancient remains belongs to our [SC_ALLIC_COMMUNITY|Ailic's Community]!\n\nWhat organization do you belong to? The Hand of Truth? Or is it the Eye of Wisdom?\n\nIf you don't have anything important then don't disturb my thoughts!
SC_116825_4(Make it known you are friends with [115471|Eliba Hill])
SC_116825_5Ah! You are that adventurer [115471|Eliba Hill] talked about! Then telling you won't hurt.\n\nThe ruins are found on the northern side of the Black Swamp Lake, close to a cliff. Since the surrounding area has way too many spiders, we have been constantly wracking our brains trying to figure out how to conduct research there...\n\nHa! I've said a little too much. If you see [115062|Morrok Wallinder] say hi to him for me.
SC_116825_knowI remember I asked for your help just a little while before... You couldn't have forgotten, could you?
Sys116825_szquestnpctextJust when were these ancient ruins built? My guess is that they were constructed even before [114396|Thanteos Kalume] founded the country. Maybe here we can find out more regarding the ruins of the mainland's ancient civilization.\n\nHuh? Who are you?