result count: 2

Sys116991_namePhillip DexterPhillip Dexter
Sys116991_szquestnpctext¿Habéis visto el magnífico circo?\n\nFue el líder del [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Castillo de Grafu] quien mandó construir el [ZONE_MOON_CIRCUS|Circo Luz de Luna]. Cuentan con un buen elenco de artistas de primera. Si vais al circo, no os defraudará, de veras.Have you seen the top-notch circus?\n\nThe [ZONE_MOON_CIRCUS|Moonlight Circus] was built by the leader of the [ZONE_GRAF_CASTLE|Grafu Castle]. It has a collection of first rate performers. If you visit, you won't be disappointed!