result count: 3

Sys117073_nameTadagi ScarapaceTadagi Bugshell
Sys117073_name_pluralTadagi ScarapaceTadagi Bugshell
Sys117073_szquestnpctextSi seulement je pouvais exporter des [<S>208274|Fruits divins], ma fortune serait faite...\n\nMais d'abord, j'ai quelques petits détails à régler...\n\nIl faut surtout que je me retienne de tout engloutir...If I could go sell a little [<S>208274|Divine Fruits] in another region... I would surely make a killing...\n\nOh well... I need to figure out how to get some first...\n\nI first have to find a way to bear not eating it myself...