result count: 3
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys117245_name | Tally Pursdon | Tally Pursdon |
Sys117245_szquestnpctext | ¡Las Flores de parra sangrienta de la [ZONE_IRUNAY_FOREST|Jungla de Irúnea] no pueden mataros, aunque las plantas de la [ZONE_WILLOW_GROVE|Ciénaga Esmeralda] se asegurarán de conseguirlo! | The Blood Tendril Leaves in the [ZONE_IRUNAY_FOREST|Jungle of Irunia] couldn't kill you, but the plants of the [ZONE_WILLOW_GROVE|Emerald Swamp] are sure to do so! |
Sys117245_titlename | Piratas de Ailic | Ailic's Pirates |