result count: 4

Sys117293_nameIshlar Jyaa
Sys117293_name_pluralIshlar Jyaa
Sys117293_szquestnpctextWell, ever since I was young, I've always believed in doing good and following the hero's path of fighting for what's right. But I'm a lowly commoner and can't become a knight - when the order was accepting applications they refused to admit commoners.\n\nIt's good that the option of becoming an adventurer still remained open for me. Ever since I picked up a sword, I've been training night and day, as well as improving my sword...\n\nI really miss my battle buddies. Ever since we went our separate ways I have no idea where they might be, it's only me now... wandering the four corners of the world...
Sys117293_titlenameSenior Adventurer