result count: 4

Sys117357_nameKuti Zetez
Sys117357_name_pluralKuti Zetez
Sys117357_szquestnpctextHi, we've got transportation services on offer here. Wha? Don't ask me! It's my first day!\n\n[ST_110561_1|Recall has a fantastic application. Users can quickly return to locations at which they have made a magic mark beforehand. In order to make such a magic mark it is necessary to depend on other people with a particular type of magic.\n\nCities have an Ailic's Community travel representative - the dog masters. They all have this ability. They can all see to your needs. After you have registered with the dog master, then you can use the Recall skill to return to that city.\n\nHowever, you can only register with one place at a time, so when you register at one location, your old location will be deleted. Be careful!]
Sys117357_titlenameApprentice Aide