result count: 5

SC_117734_0I'd like another serving of chowder, please.
SC_117734_1How could you have lost the [209249|Rich Chowder]!\n\nThis chowder is extremely precious, I still have some left, hurry up and give it to [117733|Sadiya]!
SC_117734_2Haven't you already got some chowder?\n\n[117733|Sadiya] is still waiting for you. Give it to her while it's still warm, and hurry.
Sys117734_szquestnpctext([117734|Hanolika] seems to be busy. ) \n\nLet me think...This kind of meat is probably at its most delicious when stewed...Add a little spice and some greens...Hmmm......Eighty percent chance it would be delicious.