result count: 7

SC_117824_01The recording rune...To us, it's a rune that is exceedingly rare. But to those who lived one thousand years ago, it was common method of recording images and sound. Back when the recording rune was first unearthed, nobody knew how to make it work. Fortunately, the archaeological team eventually discovered what was needed to activate the rune and play back the images and audio recorded over a thousand years ago. We all owe a debt of gratitude to those archaeological team members. They constantly toiled underground and at their study benches so that we could get a true picture of a time that is now one thousand years past.
SC_117824_02The recording rune necklace...This is an exquisite necklace that is fashioned out of recording runes. Just as researcher Hansen Miller's report points out, the necklace originally belonged to an ancient rune scholar and it contains a recorded image of his deceased sister. However, the image obtained by Hansen Miller's analyzing equipment and the real image doesn't match. This is because the image within the rune is actually of the dead brother, and not his sister. Therefore, to venture a rather bold hypothesis, the rune necklace seems to have been influenced by the energy of some unknown third party.
SC_117824_03When pieced together, information from the archaeological team, recording runes, and the rune necklace paint a picture of a violent past. We now know about the existence of a witch called Deliya who extended a reign of terror across this land, using ruthlessness and brutality to rule over all of its inhabitants. Moreover, she had a brother who possessed dangerous power, but who had since passed away. The strength of this brother is said to approach that of the old Thirteen Circles.
Sys117824_nameCheri Aimir
Sys117824_name_pluralCheri Aimir
Sys117824_szquestnpctextAhhhhhh... \n\n(Cheri Aimir does a huge stretch) \n\n(There is a gust of wind and more papers go flying away) \n\nAhhhhh! Come back! \n\n(Cheri Aimir frantically chases after the documents)
Sys117824_titlenameAilic's Researcher