result count: 4

Sys118267_nameHettie GiantHettie Giant
Sys118267_name_pluralHettie GiantHettie Giant
Sys118267_szquestnpctextL'incident de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] n'était que le début. Les démons se jouent de toutes les principautés. Je suis la première reine de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], et je ne vais pas rester assise là sans rien faire !The [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] incident was only the beginning. Every single principality has been toyed with by the demons. As the first Queen of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], I cannot and will not sit idly by and do nothing about it!
Sys118267_titlenameDame ShadorLady of Shador