result count: 10

SC_118485_01I want to inquire about...[105782|Disappearing Prisoner].
SC_118485_02I want to inquire about...[105783|Double Prisoner].
SC_118485_03I want to inquire about...[105784|Defending Prisoner].
SC_118485_04[105782|Disappearing Prisoner], hidden in the front part of the city, circle of earth, figure of illusion, makes it hard for you to discover.
SC_118485_05[105783|Double Prisoner], hidden outside this house on a platform. This platform is very high. It won't be the first ungrounded thing you step on. <CR>[118733|Kunin]</CR> can help...
SC_118485_06[105784|Defending Prisoner], adept with the magical circle of protection, hidden in the back part of the city, beside a carpenter. You must put out all of the fire surrounding him - only then you can hurt him.
Sys118485_szquestnpctext...You can see me! And hear my voice! Thank the heavens!!!\n\nPlease help our lord! These three mages are merely illusions. Their true forms are hidden within the city!
Sys118485_titlenameKalon Ghost