result count: 4

Sys118526_nameGerda BuglehornGerda Buglehorn
Sys118526_name_pluralGerda BuglehornGerda Buglehorn
Sys118526_szquestnpctext...\n\n([118526|Gerda Buglehorn] tient fermement la hache sacrée "Ouragan" tandis qu'il regarde [118469|Marteau de guerre roucoulant] et [118525|Raefther Piedfeu] d'un air solennel. Visiblement, elle ne veut pas vous parler.)...\n\n([118526|Gerda Buglehorn] keeps a tight grip on the holy axe "Hurricane" as she watches [118469|Warblin Warhammer] and [118525|Raefther Fireboot] with a solemn expression. She obviously doesn't want to talk to you.)
Sys118526_titlenameGarde du corps de RaeftherRaefther's Bodyguard