result count: 6

SC_118585_0Je vous demande pardon. Je l'ai perdu.I'm very sorry. I lost it.
SC_118585_1Vous êtes difficile. Ne le perdez pas cette fois-ci.You really are difficult. Don't lose it again this time!
Sys118585_nameProspero DaelasProspero Daelas
Sys118585_name_pluralProspero DaelasProspero Daelas
Sys118585_szquestnpctextSoyez sages mes chupuras et mes boshis, et n'allez pas courir partout... Sinon, la mante feuillesèche viendra vous attraper !Be good now, my Chupuras and Boshis, and don't go running around willy nilly...If not you may just get taken away by the Dryleaf Mantis!