result count: 2

Sys118607_nameAxel KaiyinthAxel Kaiyinth
Sys118607_szquestnpctextSería genial que esta zona pudiera volver a la normalidad. No importa cuáles fueran los motivos que la provocaran: una guerra que ha durado tantos años no es más que un desastre sin sentido para los pueblos que la sufren...\n\n¿Qué habéis dicho? Aunque la herida es dolorosa, sigo manteniendo una cara seria, ¿vale?It would be fantastic if this area could settle down. With a war that has lasted so many years, no matter what sort of moving reasons for it that people have come up with, in the end it is still a meaningless disaster for the common people...\n\nWhat did you say? Even though my injury is painful, I still maintain a serious face, okay?