result count: 2

Sys118610_nameMorrok WallinderMorrok Wallinder
Sys118610_szquestnpctextKto by pomyślał, że [105515|Jacklin Sardo] zrobi coś takiego... Teraz [ZONE_SARDO_BASTILLE|Zamek Sardo] pełen jest nieumarłych, a [TRUE_HAND|Ręka Prawdy]...\n\nIle złych tajemnic tu spoczywa...I never would have thought that [105515|Jacklin Sardo] would...Right now [ZONE_SARDO_BASTILLE|Sardo Castle] is full of the remains of the undead and the [TRUE_HAND|Hand of Truth]...\n\nHow many evil secrets are buried here...