result count: 4

Sys118805_nameRothby ClavoRothby Steelspike
Sys118805_name_pluralRothby ClavoRothby Steelspike
Sys118805_szquestnpctextYo era guerrero, pero esos malditos Rinos me lesionaron en un pie. Desde entonces, no he podido realizar mi mejor movimiento: el ataque frontal.\n\nUnos soldados atraparon estos dos antílopes durante la patrulla. Como estaban heridos, no podían seguir a sus compañeros. Pretendía cocinarlos y comérmelos, pero no he sido capaz porque... bueno, porque me siento identificado con ellos. \n\nAhora los estoy cuidando pero sé que, si los dejo marchar, no podrán seguir el ritmo de sus compañeros y acabarán mal tarde o temprano. No me preocupa porque les haya cogido cariño sino porque ellos no son conscientes del destino que les aguarda.I was a warrior once but those stinking Rhinos injured my foot. Since that time I've been unable to perform my signature move- the full frontal assault.\n\nThese two antelopes were picked up by soldiers on their patrol. Because of their injuries they couldn't keep up with their companions. I planned to cook and eat them but couldn't bring myself to do it because...well, they're not all that different from me really, are they? \n\nI'm looking after them right now but I know if I let them go they won't be able to keep up with their companions and one day fate will catch up with them. I'm not worried because I'm fond of them, but because they have no idea what fate has in store for them.
Sys118805_titlenameAprendiz de artesanoApprentice Craftsman