result count: 2

Sys118921_nameInscripción de Kawak ColmillorrabiosoKawak Angerfang Inscription
Sys118921_szquestnpctext"Juro no olvidar jamás que Kawak se sacrificó sin dudarlo un instante." - Thanteos Kalume\n\nKawak Colmillorrabioso, "Dientes de Hierro", era valiente e ingenioso. Siempre se anticipaba a sus enemigos y podía desterrar a los demonios en el olvido. Perdió la vida tendiéndole una emboscada al enemigo; sin él, la victoria del Rey no habría sido posible. ¡Un auténtico héroe de Limu y un mártir!"I swear to never forget that Kawak sacrificed himself without an instant of hesitation." - Thanteos Kalume \n\n"Iron Teeth" Kawak Angerfang was brave and resourceful. He always got the jump on his enemies and he could seal demons away into oblivion. He gave his life pulling the enemy into an ambush, and without him the King's victory would never have been possible. A true Limu hero and a martyr!