result count: 3
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys119023_name | Iswan Giant | Iswan Giant |
Sys119023_szquestnpctext | Caballero, todos los [LION_HEART|Caballeros Corazón de León] saben ya que resolvisteis con éxito la guerra entre el [ZONE_KALORN_KINGDOM|Reino de Kalon] y la [ZONE_FIREBOOT_DWARF_FORTRESS|Fortaleza Botafuego]. ¡El [118263|General Lance] incluso dijo que agradecía vuestro esfuerzo! | Knight, all of the [LION_HEART|Lionheart Knights] have heard how you successfully resolved the war between [ZONE_KALORN_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Kalon] and [ZONE_FIREBOOT_DWARF_FORTRESS|Fireboot Fortress]. [118263|General Lance] even said your efforts are appreciated! |
Sys119023_titlename | Comandante Segundo de los Caballeros Corazón de León | Lionheart Knight Lt Commander |