result count: 7

FN_FAIRYTALE_NPC119138_1I actually don't like the Fairy Tale Events and think they're for kids. Still, it's my duty to stand here and offer you this service, adventurer.\n\nWhile participating in the Fairy Tale Event you will receive [240059|Fairy Tale Point Cards] as rewards. You can exchange 15 [240059|Fairy Tale Point Cards] for a [242790|Fairy Tale Event Gift Bag].\n\nOf course, you can also offer 3 [203784|Guild Castle Transport Stones] as a small price in exchange for a [240043|Fairy Tale Event Repeat Ticket] to participate in our activity again.
FN_FAIRYTALE_NPC119138_1_TWEven though I don't really like holidays for kids like the fairy tale event, it's my duty to stand here and serve you, adventurer.\n\n\n\nWhile participating in the Fairy Tale Event, you will earn a [240059|Fairy Tale Point Card] as a reward. You can exchange 15 [<S>240059|Fairy Tale Point Cards] with me for a [<S>203651|Fairy Tale Event Gift Bags].
FN_FAIRYTALE_NPC119138_2I wish to exchange for a [203651|Fairy Tale Event Gift Bag].
FN_FAIRYTALE_NPC119138_3I wish to exchange for a [240043|Fairy Tale Event Repeat Ticket].
Sys119138_nameFairy Tale Event Committee Member
Sys119138_name_pluralFairy Tale Event Committee Members
Sys119138_titlenamePhirius Workshops