result count: 2

Sys119261_nameMinx ShugMinx Shug
Sys119261_szquestnpctextEn este lugar es donde al principio los mercaderes hacían un alto en su viaje y celebraban la memoria de los siete héroes...\n\nPero un ser malvado ha usado el espíritu del héroe, y el mal ha gobernado sus actos.\n\nLos historiadores están analizando la ira de los espíritus sagrados, y han descubierto que alguien los está controlando...This place was originally where traveling merchants would stop and cherish the memory of the seven heroes...\n\nBut the hero's spirit has been used by an evil person, and the great spirit has been moved by evil.\n\nThe historians are analyzing the anger of the holy spirits, and have found that the holy spirits are being controlled by someone...