result count: 3

Sys119414_nameVillageois de KyosaKyosa Villager
Sys119414_szquestnpctextJ'ai entendu dire que le [ZONE_KALORN_KINGDOM|Royaume de Kalon] et la [ZONE_FIREBOOT_DWARF_FORTRESS|Forteresse Piedfeu] ont fait une trêve. Quel bonheur ! J'ai eu peur qu'ils n'amènent leur combat jusqu'ici !I heard that [ZONE_KALORN_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Kalon] and [ZONE_FIREBOOT_DWARF_FORTRESS|Fireboot Fortress] have called a truce. Thank heavens! I was afraid they would fight their way here!
Sys119414_titlenameVillageois de KyosaKyosa Villager