result count: 17

SC_119479_1Pull out the sword
SC_119479_10(The wind and waves make a great sound...)
SC_119479_11If I really have the ability...can I make master stay by my side?\n\nI don't want to work hard and conquer the world, but if I do work hard what will be there?\n\nIf no one can share with me, just like now, without master by my side...then there's no point in practicing...\n\nSo when I stuck the sword in the floor, I didn't know him and he didn't know me...\n\nWithout a master...when I took the sword, I could feel that the sword and I were completely separate...\n\nSo, why? Why do people work so hard at life?
SC_119479_12Responsibility, remember...every person is an important part of this world.
SC_119479_14[119435|Kurtis] takes the sword and holds it tightly.
SC_119479_15[119435|Kurtis] holds the sword and silently trembles...\n\nTime passes between the tides.\n\nIn the following time, the boy didn't speak another word.
SC_119479_2Do you know when he left?
SC_119479_3([119435|Kurtis] lowers his eyes, and his reflection in the water looks lonely.)\n\n[$playername], have you heard of the blood blessed by the gods?
SC_119479_4Do you mean the Blood of the Oracles?
SC_119479_5Yes, that's what I mean.\n\nMy master mentioned to me once that people with the blood of the oracles were naturally more able to use different types of power.\n\nAnd I...master said I might have that kind of power. He said...I had to trust myself, and use my power to lay down my own piece of heaven.\n\nBut at the time I wasn't happy, and master never mentioned it again...
SC_119479_7But...don't you feel it's unfair?
SC_119479_9Yes...the world is so large, why do some people have this blood?\n\nWhy are people with this blood sought out? Like their responsibilities are different...\n\nWhy are people different from each other? Why can't we all have mutual love and respect?\n\n([119435|Kurtis] pauses for a moment, and speaks so quietly you can barely hear...)\n\nIn such a large world, why don't I have a loving father?
Sys119479_nameLight Sword
Sys119479_szquestnpctextThis sword is stuck in the sand.