result count: 13

SC_119519_1Let's drink together.
SC_119519_10He's strong, but his heart is confused, so he can't control the sword. If I had that kind of confusion it would take a lifetime to find answers...\n\nPerhaps now is the right time for me to leave, because I believe...that even if I leave, Carter will find his own answers...
SC_119519_2Drinking with friends is's just too bad Mr. Figg isn't here, or we could have a couple of drinks with him.\n\nI heard that Mr. Figg went out to sea in search of his dream...Ha ha, I have to congratulate him for being brave enough to chase his dream, but is being a sailor really that great? Sometimes, after seeing the whole world, you wish you had a home...
SC_119519_3Drink a couple more glasses.
SC_119519_4Speaking of Mr. Figg, he also left without saying goodbye.\n\nI think that's what I have to do, too. Otherwise it'll be difficult for me to leave the boy. It was difficult to get him to open up. He's smart and just, but sometimes this world distorts a person, even adults.\n\nIs now the time to leave...this is what I worry about, but...I must leave.
SC_119519_5Why don't you take him with you?
SC_119519_6He's not allowed in the place I'm going. That kind of place forces people to do things they don't want to do...\n\nBut...that is my crime, I have to accept this fate, but I can't take him to that place...
SC_119519_8I once...once met a boy like a war torn village...\n\nThey couldn't defend themselves...I don't want to shift the blame, but it was an order I couldn't disobey...his parents were already dead, they died in front of him...but that boy didn't cry, or even scream...\n\nI'll never forget the look in his eyes.\n\nI have blood on my hands, and if Carter know...what would happen...he is powerful, and serious and smart, he has the ability to create his own destiny...
SC_119519_9I won't tell him...
Sys119519_nameKrugor Gare
Sys119519_szquestnpctextIt's you...\n\n([119519|Krugor Gare] wipes the smile off his face and looks more serious than usual)
Sys119519_titlenameFencing Instructor