result count: 4

SC_424972_119809El estado de [119868|Sismond] es diferente al de los tipos de fantasmas descritos por el [WISDOM_EYE|Ojo de la Sabiduría]. Me interesa mucho.The state of [119868|Sismond] is different from the various types of ghosts described by [WISDOM_EYE|Eye of Wisdom]. I'm very interested in him.
Sys119809_nameTannis BennetTannis Bennet
Sys119809_szquestnpctextAhora mismo, la investigación se ve relegada por las necesidades de la guerra. Debemos avanzar.Right now the progress of the research is lagging behind what the war needs. We must try to catch up.
Sys119809_titlenameDirector de la orden elementalHead of Elemental Order