result count: 17

SC_119862_AI don't know if I'll be alive to eat tomorrow. I really want to taste my wife's cooking for the last time.
SC_119862_B...You're hopeless!
SC_119862_CI swear! Last time I really saw that square-headed guard peeing!
SC_119862_DHey! Shut your mouth or get out of my kitchen!
SC_119862_EHey! Chef, you're really good. Better than our previous partner!
SC_119862_FOf course. This is my battlefield, and I'm invincible!
SC_119862_G(Banging bowl)
SC_119862_HIf you hit it again I'll use this to hit your head.
SC_119862_IThis crispy thing is really good. What is it?
SC_119862_JNot bad! These Balanzasar bugs taste good fried!
SC_119862_KI don't know if I'll be alive to eat tomorrow. I really want to taste my mother's cooking for the last time.
SC_119862_LWhat can I do with you? I'll give in and let you call me mother!
SC_119862_MHey, chef! Can you give us something special?
SC_119862_NThat's simple. I cook for you every day. If you cook for me, that would be something special.
Sys119862_nameIvan Futia
Sys119862_szquestnpctextYes? What is it?\n\n(He wipes the sweat from his forehead. Although he's distracted by you, his cooking is still tidy and fast.)
Sys119862_titlenameHead Chef