result count: 10

SC_119868_A(What's going on here?)
SC_119868_BLoosen up! I am most definitely dead. What you see before you is merely my soul.
SC_119868_DI'm just moving around a bit. I borrowed some power from the true dragons, allowing me to maintain a stable manifestation. Of course, I cannot be destroyed in my present form. Mmm, I take it that you don't believe me. Then why not give me your best shot? Haha!
SC_119868_E(What do you really want?)
SC_119868_FNo problem! ([119868|Sismond's] pronunciation takes on a mocking tone.)\n\nThis isn't just a courtesy call. I'm also interested in how you deal with [119864|Maderoth]. But so far it's not looking so good... How about some helpful advice from yours truly?
SC_119868_G(Ignore him)
Sys119868_szquestnpctextHey, hey, hey...[$playername], did you really think I was dead?
Sys119868_titlenameThe Slaughterer