result count: 14

SC_120070_AMary, my plate is empty! Can I get some myself?
SC_120070_BSit there nicely. If you all get it yourselves, you'll fight again. Sit down!
SC_120070_CMary, you move so gracefully. Whoever marries you will live a blessed life!
SC_120070_DThat's strange, I don't remember serving you dessert. Where are these sweet words coming from?
SC_120070_EThank you, Mary!
SC_120070_F(Sweet smile)
SC_120070_GI don't ever want to go back to the Fallen Throne of Embers!
SC_120070_H(Snort) Cowards should eat less and not waste food!
SC_120070_IMary! Can I have my eggs without ketchup?
SC_120070_JIf you can be picky about food, can I be picky when it comes to who I serve it to?
SC_120070_KHey! That guy got more than me!
SC_120070_LI really hope you're as dedicated to detail when you're killing the enemy.
Sys120070_nameMary Watson
Sys120070_titlenameAilic's Employee