result count: 16

SC_ACL120344_02I wish to exchange raw materials.
SC_ACL120344_03I wish to confirm the raw materials required to forge [SC_CHAOTIC|Chaos Vortex] series weapons.
SC_ACL120344_21Collecting raw materials is a long and winding road, and tests your devotion and perseverance. If you have the following raw materials, you may come to me to exchange them.\n\n[$VAR1]\n[$VAR2]
SC_ACL120344_22Fuse 30 [<S>241142|Mauve Crystal Shards] to obtain 1 [241143|Mauve Crystal].
SC_ACL120344_23Fuse 5 [<S>206045|Crystal Shards] to obtain 1 [241124|Darkwater Crystal].
SC_ACL120344_24I would like to obtain 1 [241143|Mauve Crystal] through fusion.
SC_ACL120344_25I would like to obtain 1 [241124|Darkwater Crystal] through fusion.
SC_ACL120344_31Forging [SC_CHAOTIC|Chaos Vortex] series weapons requires the raw materials listed below. Once you confirm that you have all the required materials, you may begin forging. While you do not require a large amount of materials, they are not easy to obtain. Consider it an accomplishment if you do!\n\n5 [<S>241143|Mauve Crystals]\n10 [<S>241124|Darkwater Crystals]\n1 [209509|Prime Resonator Crystal]\n1 [201931|Palogis Spine]
SC_ACL120344_32Raw materials confirmed
SC_ACL120344_33You actually managed to get all of them! I trust that you will wield such a powerful weapon wisely.\n\nNow select and confirm the weapon you wish to forge, each weapon will require a fee of 50 000 to forge.
SC_ACL120344_34Yes, I wish to forge the [$VAR1].
SC_ACL120344_35You do not have enough raw materials. Please check the amounts before trying again.
Sys120344_szquestnpctextTo me, forging weapons is one of life's greatest joys. However, I did experience a period of doubt, where I asked myself: Is the presence of weapons itself a form of evil in this world?\n\nThe [<S>241111|Great Mage Letters] have something to say about this. I quote: "Weapons are a physical manifestation of that which is contained in the hearts of men. When used to protect others, weapons represent all that is right and just. But when used to harm others, they turn into something hideous."\n\nHence, the will that resides in the hearts of men is the most powerful weapon there is. And that is what I have come to believe.
Sys120344_titlenameHaidon Artisan