result count: 7

SC_ACL120510_01This is...?
SC_ACL120510_02From the deductions [120339|Falakens'] research has yielded, the [<S>241111|Great Mage Letters] apparently tell of a lost realm adrift in the rift between worlds... it seems that the Zurhidon tapped into our energies to open a door into that world.\n\nHowever, I surmise that the Zurhidon did not possess the immense power needed to establish a connection with [SC_CHAOTIC|Chaos Vortex]. It must have been some sort of creature behind this portal that converted its intense desire to leave that world into energy in an attempt to flee that realm, finally managing to burst through into our world. That is why we are unable to seal off this place with our powers alone.\n\n[120128|Falakens] is currently in Silverspring collecting as much information on this creature as he can. Until he discovers how to seal off this place, we are the last line of defense. Will you help us ensure the safety of Silverspring by helping [120128|Falakens]?
SC_ACL120510_03Right, please take me to [120128|Falakens].
Sys120510_szquestnpctextI didn't think it through, and gave the enemy the chance to open this door of unknown danger...\n\nThe power that originally brought blessings is now being used. I must shoulder this responsibility...if necessary, I will sacrifice my life to seal this door.
Sys120510_titlenameGreat Mage Letters Researcher