result count: 11

SC_120696_0Hello, I am [120696|Karfan Blackbook]. I would like to pay my respects on behalf of Princess Morfantas. \n\nThere has been some instability within the borders of late. If you plan to travel around, please take care of your own safety.
SC_120696_1Watch your manners, warrior. \n\nVery good. I believe that one who doesn't show courtesy will never receive respect. I just learned a useful skill that allows you a quick return to this spot. Would you like to learn it?
SC_120696_2Remember you carry the honor of a Son of Taffrock. \n\nAllow [SC_Z31_NPC_00|Asomanson] to bless you.
SC_120696_3Yes, Madam [120696|Karfan Blackbook].
SC_120696_4You acquired [$VAR1]!
SC_120696_5Greetings, hero of my people.\n\nI have been ordered by [120696|Karfan Blackbook] to teach the tribespeople how to quickly return to [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_02|Morfantas City]. Would you like to learn it?
SC_120696_6May you restore the former glory of [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock].
SC_120696_7Greetings, I am [$VAR1] from [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock]. Have a wonderful day.
Sys120696_nameKarfan Blackbook
Sys120696_szquestnpctextI still can't believe that the crystal could cause such a huge disaster.
Sys120696_titlenameCeremony Minister