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SC_120993_01Welcome, [$playername]!\n\nMy room is a little dark...but it's not that bad, is it?\n\nHehe...I'd like to play a game with you, but it costs 30 [<S>203038|Phirius Token Coins]. In the game, random pieces of furniture in 3 different styles will appear, and you have to guess which ones have been changed. The 3 possible styles are:\n\n<CS>Original style</CS>, <CS>altered position</CS>, and <CS>altered appearance</CS>.\n\nOf each style there are three difficulty degrees, so there are <CS>9 rounds</CS> in total. If you guess wrong 10 times, the game is over! you want to start right away or would you rather hear more details?
SC_120993_02Hihi...good that you understand the rules. Let me remind you that each time you choose the wrong item and each time the time's up both count as a mistake. you have to be careful, because the game is over once you've made 10 mistakes!\n\nThe game is getting more difficult. If you find all the right items in time at each stage, you'll get a bonus!\n\nSo now the rules are all clear! Let's start! Hihi...
SC_120993_03Your current score is [$VAR1].\n\nHehe...this doesn't seem too hard for you. I suggest that you clear your head for now, because the more furniture you see, the easier it will be to mix them up.\n\nYou have enough [624295|Allowed Mistakes], but the following challenges will be increasingly difficult! Hihi...are you ready?
SC_120993_04Hihi...your current score is [$VAR1].\n\nThis is so exciting! Hihi...\n\nAren't you getting confused with so much furniture to remember?
SC_120993_05Hihi...your current score is [$VAR1].\n\nBut you have only one mistake left, [$playername]!\n\nWill you be able to pass the test...?
SC_120993_06Is your memory getting better? After all, time is just a series of events!
SC_120993_07Hehe...thanks for playing, [$playername]! You've made it to round [$VAR1], and your score is [$VAR2]. Are you satisfied with your performance? Hehe...\n\nThis is a gift for you. You're welcome to visit me again in my Magic House! Hehe...
SC_120993_08Will you come to play with me tomorrow?\n\nYou're always welcome in my Magic House! Hihi...
SC_120993_09Your most recent score is [$VAR2]. Are you feeling bored?\n\nI hoped you would play some more with me...
SC_120993_10Lyliya's favorability towards you has increased!
SC_120993_ENDI thought you'd be better than that, [$playername]...\n\nOr do you belittle this game because I am a kid?!
SC_120993_END1Wow, you passed my test! You're really good!\n\nI have a gift for you, but let me take you back first!
SC_120993_END2Hihi...someone once said my room looks as if there are ghosts living here. Do you feel so, too?
SC_120993_END3(Identification is over! Tell Lyliya the result.)
SC_120993_GAMETYPE1Go! Find [$VAR1] pieces of furniture that suddenly appear.
SC_120993_GAMETYPE1_1Identify: Furniture that's been added afterwards!
SC_120993_GAMETYPE2Go! Find [$VAR1] pieces of furniture with an altered appearance.
SC_120993_GAMETYPE2_1Identify: Furniture with a changed appearance!
SC_120993_GAMETYPE3Go! Find [$VAR1] pieces of furniture with an altered position.
SC_120993_GAMETYPE3_1Identify: Furniture with a changed position!
SC_120993_LEAVEI don't want to stay here but rather go back.
SC_120993_LEAVEMESHm? What's wrong? Why won't you play with me?\n\n[$playername], are you really leaving?\n\nDon't leave...
SC_120993_MISSTime is up! What a pity, you haven't found [$VAR1] pieces of furniture.
SC_120993_OPT1I'd like to know more details about the game
SC_120993_QUITLeave Lyliya's Magic House
SC_120993_ROUNDRound [$VAR1]
SC_120993_RULEHihi..I'll tell you! The furniture will appear in 3 different styles, and each style has three difficulty levels. That means there are 9 rounds.\n\n<CM>The first style: Furniture that didn't exist before</CM>\nFirst, you'll see a few pieces of furniture that you have to memorize within a given time. Then you'll lose your sight for a moment, hihi...but don't worry! Once you see again, some additional furniture will have appeared! Use your memory to find out which!\n\n<CM>The second style: Furniture that changed its position</CM>\nEveryone has a place where one belongs, hihi...but there is always someone restless who arbitrarily changes their seats, perhaps to seek a different perspective...but I am digressing. Some of the furniture have been moved. Do you think you have enough observational sense to find them?\n\n<CM>The third style: Furniture that changed its appearance</CM>\nThis is a test how well you can remember forms and shapes. Some furniture will have a changed appearance! have to look very thoroughly. Will you be able to find them?\n\nAfter the event has started, you will obtain the skill <CN>Identify</CN>. The event will end after you've made 10 mistakes Identifying the furniture, which is either you chose the wrong item, or the time is over and there is still unidentified furniture left. you understand?! The furniture has appeared!
SC_120993_SAY2Time is over! Have you memorized all?'re doing great!

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