result count: 4

Sys121142_szquestnpctextSobre la importancia de conocer las plantas, no voy a responderos directamente. Dejad que os dé un ejemplo. \n\nHace tiempo dos hermanos se perdieron en el bosque. Estaban cansados y hambrientos, así que cuando vieron comida que había estado en su mesa hacía varios días, la engulleron sin titubeos. El hermano mayor estaba bien, pero el menor resultó envenenado. Resulta que no prestó atención a las rayas blancas de las plantas que se comía. Aunque la planta era similar a la que tenía su hermano, se trataba de una variedad venenosa. \n\n¿Entendéis lo que estoy diciendo? Es una historia verdadera. ¡Me costó mucho, pero le salvé la vida a alguien!On the importance of knowing plants, I won't answer you directly. Let me provide you with an example. \n\nOnce there were two brothers who got lost in the woods. They were tired and hungry, so when they saw food that had been on their dinner table several days before, they stuffed it in their mouths without hesitation. The older brother was fine, but the younger one was poisoned. It turns out that he didn't pay attention to the white stripes on the plants that he was eating. Even though the plant looked similar to the one his brother had, it was of a poisonous variety. \n\nDo you understand what I'm talking about? It's a true story. It took a lot, but I saved a life then!
Sys121142_titlenameCorazón de la NaturalezaHeart of Nature