result count: 3
keystring | pl | eneu |
Sys121182_name | Will Kanches | Will Kanches |
Sys121182_szquestnpctext | W tym momencie chyba nie pozostaje nam nic innego, niż poprosić Xabu o pomoc... \n\nNastępnie [121181|Paga] i ja osobiście zadbamy o eskortę [122957|Pana Figga] z osiedla Xabu. | Maybe we really don't have any other choice but to ask the Xabu for help... \n\nAfterwards, [121181|Paga] and I will escort [122957|Mr. Figg] from the Xabu village personally. |
Sys121182_titlename | Kapitan Piratów Ailica | Captain of Ailic's Pirates |