result count: 24

SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_01Ah, love is like a rainstorm - it comes all of a sudden and catches you unprepared.\n\nI am the Flower God's assistant. Once, while I was carrying out an ordinary task, I fell in love with a common human being. The Flower God said the human and I belong to different worlds, and if I wanted to be with her, I would have to collect enough <CS>[<S>121715|Flowers of Good Wishes]</CS> to gain a powerful blessing. [$playername], can you help me?
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_02If I can help you, just tell me.
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_03You're truly an enthusiastic adventurer!\n\n10 minutes after every full hour, the <CN>[121654|Flower Pixie]</CN> appears <CP>on the road in front of me.</CR> She is an assistant taking care of the [121715|Flower of Good Wishes], and her beauty often attracts [<S>121711|Flower Thieves]. Every time the [121654|Flower Pixie] gives out [<S>121715|Flowers of Good Wishes], the [<S>121711|Flower Thieves] appears and tries to bully her and steal her [<S>121715|Flowers of Good Wishes].\n\nI went to help her drive away the [<S>121711|Flower Thieves], but my absence has angered the Flower God. Now if I even come close to the [121654|Flower Pixie], he will call her back. Therefore, I've let the [121654|Flower Pixie] know that the Flower God won't find out if we make ordinary beings who want to receive a [121715|Flower of Good Wishes] act like Flower Envoys and let them help.\n\nIf you're willing to help us, then <CS>position yourself near the [121654|Flower Pixie]</CS> around <CS>10 minutes after every full hour</CS>. You'll have to stand close enough to her. She will then transform you into a <CM>Flower Envoy</CM>. Once you've been transformed, please try to simultaneously <CS>protect the [121654|Flower Pixie] from the [<S>121711|Flower Thieves]</CS> and <CS>pick up her [<S>121715|Flowers of Good Wishes]</CS> until she's finished handing out the [<S>121715|Flowers of Good Wishes]. The [121654|Flower Pixie] is very bashful, so whenever there's a [121711|Flower Thief] nearby, she won't proceed. Make sure to drive away all the [<S>121711|Flower Thieves] using [499762|Flower Protection Palm] so she can continue. When the <CS>[121654|Flower Pixie] has been bullied by the [<S>121711|Flower Thieves] 10 times</CS>, she will get angry and cast a spell that will destroy all [<S>121711|Flower Thieves], then she will <CS>leave the area</CS>. I suggest that you cooperate with other adventurers to fight off the [<S>121711|Flower Thieves] and protect the [121654|Flower Pixie].\n\nBring me the flowers before their <CS>Flower Blessings</CS> discharge, and I'll reward you accordingly. Do you want to help me?
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_04Don't go too far away. The [121654|Flower Pixie] will appear any minute on the <CP>road ahead</CP>.
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_05You've already helped to protect the [121654|Flower Pixie] today. The Flower God might have already noticed you, so you'd better come back tomorrow.
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_06Have you brought the Flower Blessings?
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_07Yes, I've brought them.
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_08Alright, I will collect blessings for you.
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_09I am giving you all my blessings.
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_10Thanks for collecting blessings. They're still not enough, but I am sure I will make it some day.
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_11[121383|Gaster] needs help in his struggle for love. Every full hour, [121383|Gaster] will appear under the big tree outside the Varanas city gate and look for people willing to help him. Go and find out about his story!
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_12The [121654|Flower Pixie] will appear in 3 minutes. Good people willing to help me collect Flower Blessings, please enter the magic circle ahead and wait for the [121654|Flower Pixie]!
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_13Invalid Target
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_14You attacked a [121711|Flower Thief] and caught 3 [<S>121715|Flowers of Good Wishes].
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_16Somebody hit a [121711|Flower Thief] and you caught 1 [121715|Flower of Good Wishes].
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_17You hit a [121711|Flower Thief] hard and caught 5 [<S>121715|Flowers of Good Wishes].
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_18You've already participated today.
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_19In a few minutes, the [121654|Flower Pixie] will appear and give out [<S>121715|Flowers of Good Wishes]. Any good people willing to collect [<S>121715|Flowers of Good Wishes] for me?
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_20You've missed the chance to collect Flower Blessings today. Please come back tomorrow.
SC_2013FLOWERS_NPC_121383_21I'd like to receive the Flower God's blessing...
Sys121383_szquestnpctextThe Flower God's test really troubles me...