result count: 20

SC_2012THANKS_NPC_121493_01¡Goo-chee!\n\n(El avestruz os mira con curiosidad).Goo-chee!\n\n(The ostrich is looking at you curiously.)
SC_2012THANKS_NPC_121493_02¡Goo-chee!\n\n(El avestruz no parece estar prestándoos atención).Goo-chee!\n\n(The ostrich doesn't seem to be paying attention to you.)
SC_2012THANKS_NPC_121493_03(El avestruz no parece haberse percatado de vuestra presencia).(The ostrich doesn't seem to have noticed you.)
SC_2012THANKS_NPC_121493_SYSTEM_01Alguien ya está cuidando este avestruz.Somebody is already looking after this ostrich.
SC_2012THANKS_NPC_121493_SYSTEM_02Acercaos más para cuidar al avestruz.Please get closer to look after the ostrich.
SC_2012THANKS_NPC_121493_SYSTEM_03Los avestruces están demasiado lejos como para cuidarlos. Id a conseguir vuestra recompensa de [121492|Cuidador de avestruces].The ostriches are too far away to be taken care of. Please get your reward from [121492|Ostrich Nurse].
SC_2012THANKS_NPC_121493_SYSTEM_04Tiempo restante: 10 segundos.Remaining time: 10 seconds.
SC_2012THANKS_NPC_121493_SYSTEM_05Se ha acabado el tiempo. Id a ver a [121492|Cuidador de avestruces] para que os dé vuestra recompensa.The time is up. Please get your reward from [121492|Ostrich Nurse].
SC_2012THANKS_NPC_121493_SYSTEM_11Objetivo no válidoInvalid target
SC_2012THANKS_NPC_121493_SYSTEM_12El avestruz os hace un alegre guiño.The ostrich winks at you happily.
SC_2012THANKS_NPC_121493_SYSTEM_13El avestruz os observa.The ostrich glares at you.
SC_2012THANKS_NPC_121493_SYSTEM_14El avestruz os transmite su deseo:The ostrich tells you its wish:
SC_2012THANKS_PLAYER_121493_01Cumpliré vuestro deseo.I will fulfill your wish.
Sys121493_nameAvestruz esperando cuidadosOstrich waiting to be looked after
Sys121493_name_pluralAvestruces esperando cuidadosOstrich waiting to be looked after