result count: 9

SC_121727_0I need some calmative potions.
SC_121727_1I do have calmative potions, but I think we shouldn't waste any of these, unless you are in dire need of them.
SC_121727_2(Negotiating) You surely wouldn't like to take the blame if we were to suffer defeat just because we were missing these potions, right?
SC_121727_3(Forcefully) I order you to hand out these calmative potions!
SC_121727_4Commander, I never thought of it that way. I'm just trying to avoid any waste of supplies. I will let you have these potions.
SC_121727_5Yes, sir!...I will immediately hand these potions out to you.
Sys121727_nameKachiz Angerfang
Sys121727_szquestnpctextOur Lady is still fighting at the [ZONE_WYLANT_BORDER_SITE|Old Border of Wylant]. I shouldn't be idle either.\n\nWhatever the need, we must go by the regulations! No unnecessary supplies will be given out and there will be no exceptions.
Sys121727_titlenameSupply Officer