result count: 21

SC_2013MUSIC_121964_1You've already driven the gramophone today. You can't repeatedly attend the event today.
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_10Correct force has been applied to the gramophone. It is working properly now.
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_11The gramophone did not recieve the right energy. It starts to slow down.
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_12Oh no! It seems that you almost broke the gramophone.
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_13You must face the Driving Box to apply power.
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_14A member in your team has already attended this act today!
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_15Please make sure that the number of your team members fits the amount that the score requires and all of them are in the event area!
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_2You don't have the <CM>[241641|Restored Score]</CM>, so you are not able to operate the gramophone.
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_3The gramophone is currently in operation.
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_4You're too far away from [121964|Giant Gramophone]. You will lose all your scores and qualification.
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_5You're too far away from [121964|Giant Gramophone]. You lost all your scores and qualification.
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_6The gramophone starts working...
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_7Congratulations, you've completed the score! The event has ended.
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_8Wrong force. The driver doesn't respond.
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_9The gramophone can't work properly! The event has ended.
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_OPTION_1Score I
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_OPTION_2Score II
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_OPTION_3Score III
SC_2013MUSIC_121964_RULE[$playername], are you ready to turn on the gramophone?\nWhile the gramophone is on, each score will last about 1 minute. The time is sufficient for an individual or team activity. If you choose score 2 or score 3, it requires the according number of your team members to start the event, and only the restored score from the player who turns on the gramophone will be taken away.\r\n\r\nPlease choose the score you want to have played: \r\n\r\nScore 1: for an individual act.\r\nScore 2: for a team of 2-3 persons. (The event can be started when the person who starts the gramophone has the score.)\r\nScore 3: for a team of 4 persons or above. (The event can be started when the person who starts the graophone has the score.)\r\n\r\n<CB> Please note:\n1. If you decide on score 2 and 3, please party with your team members and wait at a place near the gramophone.\r\n2. If you go offline or leave the event area during the effect, you will lose your qualification and the points you've obtained.\r\n3. The game can be done for free once a day.\r\n4. If the gramophone doesn't receive the correct energy three times, the event will end. </CB>
Sys121964_nameGiant Gramophone
Sys121964_name_pluralGiant Gramophones